Root Canal Treatment - Bison Dentistry

Root Canal Treatment – Bison Dentistry

Root canal therapy is a restorative dental treatment that helps to save teeth from infection and inflammation. The root canal treatment at our Buffalo dental office involves removing infected pulp and nerves from inside the tooth in order to eliminate bacteria and prevent the infection from spreading. This treatment can be effective in saving an infected tooth and relieving dental pain. If you are experiencing discomfort in your mouth and think you may need root canal therapy, consider reaching out to Bison Dentistry. Our team can provide you with more information and help you schedule an appointment at our dental office that serves the Buffalo and Tonawanda area. Contact us at (716) 696-1951 to learn more.

Understanding Root Canals

A root canal is a procedure that removes infected or damaged pulp from inside a tooth in order to save it from further damage or infection. The pulp, which is located at the center of the tooth and contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, can become damaged or infected from various sources such as repeat dental work, cracks, deep cavities, or tooth injuries. If left untreated, the infection or damage can spread and cause further problems such as decay or damage to the jawbone. Common signs that a patient may need a root canal include bumps on the gums, darkening gums, severe pain or sensitivity while biting or chewing, and swollen or tender gums. However, it is important to note that the signs of a root canal issue may not always be obvious and a thorough examination may be necessary for diagnosis.

Root Canal Treatment Benefits

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that aims to save a natural tooth that is infected or inflamed. Some benefits of root canal treatment include:

  • Relief from pain and infection in the mouth
  • Improved appearance with a crown or filling to restore the tooth’s appearance
  • Reduced risk of further decay by removing the infected dental pulp
  • Restored function of the treated tooth
  • Preservation of the natural tooth, which is irreplaceable in terms of look and function.

The Root Canal Process and Potential Complications

Root canal treatment is a restorative dental procedure that aims to save and preserve natural teeth that have become infected or inflamed. The treatment process involves four steps: taking an X-ray of the infected tooth, numbing the treatment site, placing a dental dam to protect the area, and making a small incision to access the infected pulp. The infected tissue is then removed, the canals are cleaned out, and a topical antibiotic may be applied. The tooth is filled, sealed, and protected with a crown or other restoration. Nervous about having a root canal treatment? At Bison Dentistry, a sedation dentist can help alleviate anxiety and provide a comfortable experience for individuals undergoing a root canal treatment. While root canal treatment is generally safe and effective, with a success rate between 86-98%, there is a risk of potential complications such as tooth loss or abscesses. These complications may occur if the damage is too extensive or if the infected pulp is not properly removed or if the antibiotics are ineffective.


“Root canal treatment is generally safe and effective, with a success rate between 86-98%”

Preventing the Need for Root Canal Treatment

Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine is essential to prevent the need for a root canal. This includes brushing twice and flossing once every day, attending regular dental appointments, and seeking dental attention as soon as pain or discomfort arises. It is also important to avoid tooth damage by avoiding acidic foods and beverages, not chewing on ice, and wearing a mouthguard while playing sports and at night if teeth grinding occurs.

“Although root canals are effective procedures to restore infected or damaged teeth, it is best to avoid the need for a root canal in the first place.”

Alternatives To Root Canal Treatment

If you need a root canal treatment, with Bison Dentistry you can expect exceptional care and treatment. Root canals are safe and effective procedures to save a tooth, but in some cases, an alternative treatment such as extraction may be necessary if the tooth is too damaged to be saved. Extraction involves removing the entire tooth, which may require further procedures to surrounding teeth and supporting tissue. It is generally best to try to save a natural tooth whenever possible. Contact us today to find out how our dental office, serving the Buffalo and Tonawanda area, can assist you in restoring your oral health and getting your teeth back in shape!

“An extraction may be necessary if the tooth is too damaged to be saved.”

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of a root canal treatment will vary for each patient. Factors that may affect the cost include the extent of damage, the location, and whether insurance covers part of the procedure. People should contact their insurance provider for more information.

Every insurance plan is different. Since root canals are considered a medically necessary treatment, most dental insurance plans will provide some treatment coverage. People will have to contact their insurance provider to learn more about coverage before seeking treatment.

Recovery following a root canal is often quick and painless. Though soreness and discomfort are normal in the days following treatment, most patients can return to school, work, and their daily activities the next day. Pain that extends beyond a couple of days may indicate a problem.

Many people believe that root canals are painful. Though discomfort is common, the treatment is typically no more painful than having a cavity filled. However, nervous patients should discuss their fears with their providers beforehand.

Although it is normal to experience swelling and inflammation after the root canal, patients can take over the counter pain medication to minimize discomfort. We recommend not chewing on the tooth to keep the area clean and prevent the tooth from breaking before we restore it completely. Patients will need to have a follow-up appointment after treatment to ensure that the healing process progresses well.

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